Excel for mac part of the cell is hidden
Excel for mac part of the cell is hidden

In this particular case, columns B and C are hidden. Hidden columns, as seen in the picture below, are identified by the missing letters in the column header. On the other hand, row header is found on the leftmost part, named by numbers. Column header is found on the topmost part of the worksheet, named by letters. If you are not the author of a certain Excel file you are working with and you want to know whether there are hidden portions of it, you can just look at the row and column header to find out.

Excel for mac part of the cell is hidden how to#

How to know if there are hidden columns and rows in a worksheet

  • Select rows (either side of the ones you wish to unhide).
  • Rows can also be hidden and unhidden following the same steps as hiding and unhiding columns. They are identified by the numbers at the leftmost part – 1 to 1048576. Just like columns, rows are also fundamental part of worksheets.
  • Select columns (before and next to the hidden columns).
  • excel for mac part of the cell is hidden

    Portions of it can be hidden and unhidden in three simple steps enumerated below.

    excel for mac part of the cell is hidden

    With these instances, the “hide and unhide” options of Excel 2016 are very helpful.Ĭolumns, a fundamental part of Excel 2016 worksheets, are identified through the letters found on the topmost part – A to XFD. Messing with those portions will not make your file work out the way you planned and designed it to be. There are also portions that we do not want someone to mess with or change, for if it is changed, the entire worksheet or workbook will be negatively affected. In dealing with Excel, most especially with formulas, there are necessary portions that we need to include but not that so important to be shown.

    Excel for mac part of the cell is hidden